Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 13:06:18 -0800 (PST) From: "title 42 Section 1983" Subject: Title 42 Section 1983 Law suit against MCC and Mesa Police - request for public records To:, Yesterday 4 MCC Police officers along with several Mesa Police officers falsely arrested for about two hours a man in the MCC Library. They illegally searched them man, and illegally questioned the man despite the fact the man said he wanted a lawyer if he was going to be question. I was initially arrested around 11:45 a.m. and I was released around 1:39 p.m. From Steve Corich I need the FULL names of the all the officers. You only gave me the last name of two officers. I need their first names. I also need the name of the officer or police aid who detained me. I plan to include him in the law suit. Can you give me his name and title. I also want the names of all the Mesa police officers who were involved in the incident. I plan to include them in the lawsuit. They violated my 5th Amendment rights as they tried to question me after I told the MCC cops from the very beginning that I was not going to answer any questions unless I had my lawyer present. This is also a request for public records. I want copies of all the video tapes made in the library. I want copies of all reports made, I want copies of all radio messages sent. I want copies of all text messages sent. I want copies of all phone numbers dialed by all of the officers during the incidents. And if the phone calls were recorded I want copies of all the phone recordings. This is for all the records and data both the Mesa Police have and the MCC Police have. Also I would like to get the names of all the MCC Library employees that were involved. I don’t plan to sue them, but I will need to question then and take dispositions. Before I left Officer Bray told me that if I told him my name I could continue to use the library. I told him I would probably give him my name by Wednesday. He probably wondered what on earth I was talking about. After two hours of taking the 5th I open up and say I will tell him my name next week. Of course my name will be on the front page of a title 42 section 1983 lawsuit I plan to file in federal court. Underneath my name will be the word Plaintiff. Underneath that will be the names of all the MCC Police officers involved and all the Mesa Police offices involved and under that will be the word defendants. I will try to get the lawsuit filed by Wednesday. I have sued a number of police officers before in federal court and have most of the lawsuit made up. All I have to do is type in the details that happened at MCC yesterday. If you want my name sooner give the ASU police a call. I have sued them in Federal Court. Also give the Tempe cops a call. I have sued them in Federal Court too. And I even sued the DPS once. Pretty much the same stuff. They ask me my name. I take the 5th. Then they arrest me for an hour or so and try to force me to tell them my name. Then they release me and tell me I am a butthole for thinking I have civil rights. Then I file a lawsuit in Federal Court. Almost forgot. In this letter I am stating that I am filing a claim against MCC and the City of Mesa for my civil right being violated yesterday by the MCC and Mesa Police. I have to give a dollar amount I will settle for and that is $1 million. But you all know that I won’t get a cent out of this, but I will have some fun jerking around the crooked cops in Federal Court that violated my civil rights yesterday. In my first lawsuit I got the Federal Marshals to serve the Tempe Police Officers. That is not needed if you guy all agree to accept the complaint by mail. Will you folks at the City of Mesa do that? How about you folks at MCC. Also could you send me the e-mail addresses of the lawyers I will be working against after I file my suit. Also in all my lawsuits I sue the officers as opposed to the government entity. And I try to get their home address on the lawsuit as opposed to their work address. Happy Supper Bowl Title 42 Section 1983 PS here is how the lawsuit will start … 1. This action arises the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution for the United States of America and Article II, §§ 4, 8, 10, 32, and 33 of the Constitution for the State of Arizona. Jurisdiction is conferred upon the Court under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Jurisdiction over the state pendant claims is conferred upon the Court under 28 U.S.C. § 1337. |