Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 13:00:14 -0800 (PST)
From: "title 42 Section 1983"
Subject: Lawsuit that I am planning on filing in Federal Court this week and a request for public records per ARS 39-121
To: "Scott - #4 MCC - Crowley"
,       "Donald - #5 MCC - Campbell",
       "Colleen - # 1 MCC - Clark",
      "Shouan President MCC - Pan",
      "Linda - #3 MCC - Rosenthal",
      "Gloria MCC - smith",
      "Jerry - #2 MCC - Walker"
CC: "title 42 section 1983"

This is a request for public records per the Arizona Revised Statutes 39-121.

Some time this week I plan to file a lawsuit in Federal Court suing Mesa Community College Police officers Steve Corich, Officer Bray, Officer Turner and an unknown fourth officer or employee for civil rights violations per U.S.C Title 42 § 1983.

I have some questions for the board members of the Maricopa Community College District, Chancellor Rufus Glasper, and the President of Mesa Community College.

I would like the email address of Chancellor Rufus Glasper so I can send him a copy of this email.

I was told by Mesa Community College Police officers Steve Corich, Officer Bray, Officer Turner that any college student who takes the 5th Amendment and refuses to answer police questions will be banned from all the Maricopa Community Colleges and arrested for trespassing if they ever come back to any of the community colleges.

Is this the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges that any student who request that the college police honor their 5th Amendment Rights will be banned from all the colleges and arrested for trespassing if they return? Or did Police officers Steve Corich, Officer Bray, and Officer Turner just make that up?

If this is true I plan to include the President of Mesa Community College and the Maricopa County Community College Board of Directors members in the lawsuit. If it is not true then I will just sue the MCC Police officers and Mesa Police officers that violated my civil rights.

I was arrested for about two hours. I was not told why I was arrested. When I released I was told I had done nothing wrong.

When I was released I was told that because I took t he 5th Amendment and refused to tell them my name I would never be allowed to return to any of the Maricopa Community Colleges, and if I did I would be arrested for trespassing.

I was told that if I changed my mind and gave the Mesa Community College Police Officers my name that I would be allowed back on campus.

I plan to do that when I serve them with the lawsuit sometime later this week or next week. I figured I could get the lawsuit type up and filed by Wednesday, but I am very angry because of the incident and it might take me a couple of days longer.

When I was released I asked Officer Bray for his name and the name of all the other officers that arrested me. He refused and told me, that I was a low level scum bag who didn’t need to know who I was arrested by. Is that the policy of the Maricopa Community College Police Department?

You arrest somebody for two hours, search them, take all their property away from them. Slam them up against a wall, take their photo, yank their hat off, curse at them and punch them in the back of the head. And then when you release them refuse to tell them who you are.

A short time after that I asked Steve Corich, who seemed to be some type of boss, to give me the name and he gave me his card and gave me the last names of Officer Bray, and Officer Turner. I asked him by e-mail to give me the first names of Officer Bray, and Officer Turner so I can use them in my lawsuit, but he has not responded.

This is a request for public information. Can you give me the first names of Officer Bray, and Officer Turner so I can use them in my law suit which I plan to file in Federal Court this week or next?

I think Officer Bray, and Officer Turner called the Mesa Police to put the screws on me and force me to talk, despite the fact that I told t hem numerous times that if they wanted to ask me any questions I wanted my lawyer to be present.

The Mesa Police did come out. They did question me and they told me at the most 4 or 5 times that I didn’t have any 5th Amendment rights and had to answer their questions. They quickly gave up. I must have told Steve Corich, Officer Bray, Officer Turner 30 or 40 times that if they wanted to ask me any questions I wanted my lawyer to be present, but they continued to tell me I didn’t have any constitutional rights and had to answer their questions.

I plan to sue the Mesa Police who tried to force me to answer their question in the same lawsuit. Can you give me their names. This is also a request for public records.

I also want to request these public records:

The name of the police aide or officer who was ordered to guard me. He seemed like a junior weenie cop and I did not get his name.

I want copies of all the video tapes made in the library. I want copies of all reports made, I want copies of all radio messages sent. I want copies of all text messages sent. I want copies of all phone numbers dialed by all of the officers during the incidents. And if the phone calls were recorded I want copies of all the phone recordings. This is for all the records and data both the Mesa Police have and the MCC Police have.

Also I would like to get the names of all the MCC Library employees that were involved. I don’t plan to sue them, but I will need to question then and take dispositions..

In the first lawsuit I filed against the Tempe Police Department which was pretty much for the exact same thing I had the Tempe Police officers served with their papers by the U.S. Marshals Office.

In the lawsuits I filed against the Arizona State University Police and the DPS I served them by mail. That is much easier. Will the MCC Police officers I am suing accept their service by mail? If they won’t the judge will probably get very angry if you force me to use the U.S. Marshals to serve them.

Last I want to have the e-mail address of the lawyers who will be defending Steve Corich, Officer Bray, Officer Turner and the unknown officer or police aide in this case? I need that so I can talk with them to set up a plan on how to run this lawsuit.

In this letter I am stating that I am filing a claim against MCC and the Maricopa Community College District for my civil right being violated Thursday by the MCC and Mesa Police. I have to give a dollar amount I will settle for and that is $1 million. This is to meet the requirements set up by Arizona law, but I don’t really need to do this because I am filing the lawsuit in Federal Court.


Title 42 Section 1983

PS here is how the lawsuit will start …

1. This action arises the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution for the United States of America and Article II, §§ 4, 8, 10, 32, and 33 of the Constitution for the State of Arizona. Jurisdiction is conferred upon the Court under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Jurisdiction over the state pendant claims is conferred upon the Court under 28 U.S.C. § 1337.