In response to your most recent request the names of the Mesa Police personnel who responded in regard to event #20080310429 are:
Officer J Behnke
Sgt. A Spicer
From: | title 42 Section 1983 |
Date: | 02/29/2008 01:40 PM |
To | |
cc |,,,,,,,, |
Subject | Re: request for public records |
You have not answered my request for public records.
Please e-mail me the names of the offices who
responded to the police call at Mesa Community
I have filed a law suit in Federal Court suing them
for civil rights violations. I need their names so I
can serve them with copies of the lawsuit.
I do not want a copy of the printed report. I just
want the names of the officers involved.
Please quit jerking me around and e-mail me the names
of the police officers. I pay more then my share of
sales taxes and it is only fair that you give me the
information I requested with out jerking me around.
So please e-mail me the names of the police officers.
The issues of if they are guilty or not is not a
question here. A jury in a trial in the Federal court
system will decide that.
Also could all the Mesa City Council Members make sure
someone in the Mesa City Government responds to my
request for public records and actually gives me the
information I requested. I want the names of the cops
who questioned me at Mesa Community College.
--- wrote:
> I was forwarded your request for public records.
> The Mesa Police
> Department event # for the incident you reference is
> 20080310429. There
> is no written report by the Mesa Police Officers
> as they were assisting
> MCC security. If you wish a copy of the printed
> dispatch you may
> request that either through the mail or in person.
> The fee is .20 per
> page, there are two pages. The dispatch printout
> includes the names of
> the Mesa Officers who responded and any comments
> they typed in. Please
> send your request to:
> Mesa Police Records
> Attn: Connie
> 130 N Robson
> Mesa, AZ 85201
> Connie Gailfus
> Records Supervisor
> City of Mesa Police Department