This is very interesting. The Maricopa Community College District says they are not liable for the actions of their out of control cops they employee.
Steve Corich, Lynn Bray, and Turner falsely arrested the plaintiff and illegally detained him for about two hours in the Mesa Community College Library. Lynn Bray and Turner physically attached the plaintiff by jumping him while he was using a computer in the library when they could have told the plaintiff they wanted to question him with out resorting to the use of physical violence. And last buy not least Lynn Bray shoved the plaintiff into a way and yanked some of his clothing off. So in the legal letter to the court the attorneys for MCC say they are not liable for the violent criminal actions of the police officers they employ.
Steve Corich Police Officer Mesa Community College
Captian Lynn Bray Police Officer Mesa Community College
Turner Police Officer Mesa Community College
xxx Police Aide Mesa Community College
Sgt. A Spicer Police Officer Mesa, Arizona
J Behnke Police Officer Mesa, Arizona