Mesa PD |
- Full names of the cops involved
- All radio transmissions between the Mesa cops and their base
- All computer messages between the Mesa cops and their base and between other Mesa cops
- Personnel files of the cops
- Cell phone numbers the cops used at work that day
- Copies of all phone calls between the Mesa police dispatchers and the MCC police
- Copies of all radio transmissions between the Mesa Police and the MCC Police
- All police reports made by the Mesa police on the incident
- I want to question the cops so I can get more information
Maricopa County Law Library |
- Names, dates and times of all homeless people kicked out of the library
- Names, dates and times of all people kicked out of the library for working on lawsuits that sue the police
- Names, dates and times of all other people kicked out of the library
- Names of people working at the library when I was arrested
- Interview these people
- Copies of the video tapes on days people were kicked out of the library
- Copies of the video tapes when I was arrested
- Last 2 weeks of video tapes so I can document that the county employees use the computers to goof off on their breaks and lunch hours
- Phone numbers of all phones in the library – So I can document the phone call from their to the cops
- Http logs of all the computers in the library so I can document that people use the computers for reasons other then legal research
pig that arrested me |
- Names of the cops that helped him arrest me
- Reason he arrested me
- Who told him to make the arrest
- Why he refused to tell me the reason of the arrest
- Video tape of the arrest
- Police reports of the arrest
- Any files or documents produced on me
- Audio tapes of all phone calls during that day so I can get a copy of the person who called him and asked him to throw me out
- His telephone number so I can get a record of his calls
- His cell phone number so I can get a record of his calls
- The rules and manual for throwing homeless people out of the library
- Why he was wearing rubber gloves
- Question him
MCC Library |
- Names of all people working that day so I can question them
- All phone numbers in the library so I can get a log of calls made from them
- Question them
- Email addresses of all MCC students attending at the time I was arrested
- Email addresses of all employees working at the time I was arrested
Phone companies |
- Phone calls made to those phones on that time
- Full names of the cops
- The name of the police aid
that guarded me while I was under arrest
- Police reports of the incident
- Police photos of the incident
- All emails made by the cops so I can see what they told the President and other people about my emails
- The cell phone numbers of the cops
- Photos of the cops
- Copies of all surveillance tapes in the library
- The personnel records of the cops
- A tour of the police station and all the rooms used to monitor the surveillance cameras along with stuff on how the data is saved
- All radio messages sent by the cops
- All text messages sent by the cops
- Copies of all phone calls between the MCC cops and the Mesa Police from the MCC dispatch
- A tour of the MCC dispatch
- Question the cops
- Their rules and manuals on how they operate
- All complaints about police brutality related to any of the arresting cops particularly Lynn Bray
- Names, address and phone numbers of last 100 people arrested by them so I can question them about police brutality